In the quaint town of Meadowbrook, circa, lived a young boy named Jamie. He possessed a unique ability to dive into books and experience their stories firsthand. But one day, Jamie's world turned upside down when his father, a skilled detective named Henry, disappeared under mysterious circumstances while working on a high-profile case. Determined to uncover the truth, Jamie decided to use his ability to dive into the books that his father had left behind. Guided by his father's investigative notes, Jamie embarked on a journey through the pages of his father's life, searching for clues that would lead him to the heart of the mystery.


Finding Gecko 80 MB

Install instructions

You will get a better experience of the game if you play it as an exe, I have made a video around the story of that boy, and if you can't get hold of things, just remember do chaos and press : WSAD, G, Q, Mouse Clicks!!

Development log

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